Thursday, May 31, 2012


It passes by so swiftly.
One day everything seems mundane that we have gotten used to embracing the habit of taking some things for granted. They are there, in front of us, staring us right in the eyes - beautiful episodes and milestones of our lives and amazing people who continuously show us love and attention.
I do tend to procrastinate in grasping the essence of time. It's not that I am inconsiderate. I just get overwhelmed by my daily engagements and when that happens I swerve my thoughts to the humdrum around me. Somewhere along I get lost in between. And that is utterly sad because then I miss the chance to do right by my loved ones and those who care about me. I think it's unfair for them. I think it takes away the exquisiteness of life. It knocks off the beauty of time.
I need to be more grateful. I need to be more attentive to TIME. Life only comes once, right?
Now if you'll excuse me, I feel the need to smell the roses.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


You do not know

why burned trees

seem decadent to your senses

why you want the clamoring

wind with its


strong smoke

to linger


why inhaling it

brings back

staggeringly familiar

recollections of

an old home

you smile as you

look at the

luminous sky

thinking vividly

of women burning

trees while

half-naked men

with golden thighs


sucking deeply

the strong


smoke from that

huge July fire.